Samsung LED Chips

Samsung Led Chips- The most popular LED chip in recent years ,with exceptional light output, lifetime and light efficacy.The Game Changer for Outdoor Lighting.


LED Strip Lighting

We use Samsung LED chips (lm281ba+) ensure the highest level of consistency and luminous efficacy. We do custom strip width, brightness, PCB color, CRI, match specific brand colors, manufacture custom lengths and make virtually any other customization that you can think of. Contact us for details.


Led PCB Board

PCB BOARD with SAMSUNG DIODES ----It's easy to tune the color function by integrating the Samsung LED components with different color temperatures into the same PCB. It can achieve the various light fixtures to meet different lighting requirements with the boards that have different shapes, sizes and materials.


LED Lighting with Samsung Diodes

Select from Samsung' downlight products, with ceiling downlights suitable for any space. Our downlight solutions include LED downlights, recessed and exposed downlights,meaning you can find the perfect energy efficient lighting solution for your needs.

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